Damn....this is when it starts to all go downhill huh? In 5 years I'll start dreading birthdays.
Sorry, for giving up on my blog guys. I've just been so busy I decided my posts were pointless anyways.
But I'll try to post some more again, since I have quite a lot to talk about nowadays.
* I'm taking 5 classes right now at the Univeristy of Hawaii (yay a real college)
* I will have my own Starbucks store to manage in about a month
* I'm no longer a teenager.
And that's probably it for the general details.... everything else is basically the same. Of course, I have numerous stories in all areas of my life to share, but I won't try to condense it all to this one post.
In honor of my birthday I've decided to talk about my writing life....
I have too many ideas!
Too many ideas and I don't know how to get them all out on paper. As soon as I start writing and get to the second chapter of a book (I've entirely outlined) I end up getting a whole different idea...anybody else have this problem?
I got really lucky and fate gave me the last seat in this Creative Writing class I'm taking right now. The teacher is amazing. I got a chance to really ask her what she thought of my writing. (We already had 2 short stories due)
Short stories are harder for me in general. I like to be descriptive and give back round information (mostly because my stories are usually of the sci-fi genre or just pure fantasy...usually you need attention to detail for that). Anyhow, her feedback was good and I'm kind of hanging by a thread on it. She told me I do have the voice of a writer and that if I didn't have what it took, she'd be the first to tell me to go do something else.
However, I just joined two writing sites (only one have I actually uploaded work to though). I posted 3 of my short stories online to this community. My first rating was good somebody + all my work....then of course, today I check again and somebody - them all. Honestly, this sucks. I really shouldn't have checked this today, because I'm really depressed now. I'm starting to get nervous. I can't seem to get my writing out unless its for class, but then my ideas are usually way too big for a short story....and the short story ends up not feeling right. Does that make sense?
Anyhow, I'm trying not to let the negative rating get to me too much. (It totally is) But I'm not giving up yet. Those aren't the best I can produce and I know it. Its time to start really trying and dedicating a whole lot more time to my writing. :D
Okay thats all for now...ty for reading my rant!!
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
No Time
AHH its so close to the end of this semester! Sorry for not keeping up with my blog gawd. I have been so busy. Not to mention i decided (like an idiot) to start playing world of warcraft again and now im wasting time doing that instead of doing homework.....
Ya so I just found out i have like 4 tests next week and none of my work is done for them -.- Plus this Saturday is my grandmas 80th birthday party. So my family from out of state is in town and I have to find someway to hang out with them....work my 40hours...and go to class and do my studying hahaha
So ill make a legit post in about a week when the tests and crap is over! Only jon reads this anyways, and hes afk for a month so MEH!
Ya so I just found out i have like 4 tests next week and none of my work is done for them -.- Plus this Saturday is my grandmas 80th birthday party. So my family from out of state is in town and I have to find someway to hang out with them....work my 40hours...and go to class and do my studying hahaha
So ill make a legit post in about a week when the tests and crap is over! Only jon reads this anyways, and hes afk for a month so MEH!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Okay...so for those of you (you know the whole crowd of people that read this blog.....) anyhow if you are religious and easily offended..this is a warning that my blog today is going to be about religion and may not agree with your views.
BIBLE RANT andddddddddddddddd GO:
Agriculture started 10,000 years ago. Before agriculture humans were primarily forgers(hunters and gatherers). These are facts. So not even arguing time lines here we can tell by verse 2 in Genesis Chapter 4 that Abel and Cain were not one of the first humans seeing as they were obviously using some type of agriculture (although it looks like Abel was using pastoralism).
2. Now Abel kept flocks, and Cain worked the soil....
These brothers however, might be a good analogy for something else.... the spread of agriculture. I recently read the book Ishmael and this was mentioned. Abel would represent people using pastoralism and Cain represents the people who took part in Agriculture. In that day it was common for warring to go on, especially against opposing people, in this case it was pastoralism vs. agriculture. (Make sense?)
Moving on...
13 Cain said to the LORD, “My punishment is more than I can bear. 14 Today you are driving me from the land, and I will be hidden from your presence; I will be a restless wanderer on the earth, and whoever finds me will kill me.”
HOLD UP. WAIT CAIN....did you just say, "WHOEVER"? LIKE PEOPLE OTHER THAN MOM AND DAD, because according to the bible that's all the humans on Earth at that time. Adam, Eve and Cain. Hm.....ya keep that in mind.
............17 Cain made love to his wife, and she became pregnant and gave birth to Enoch................
And finally...where in the world does Cain find a wife? Is this supposed to be like 15 years later when Eve cranks out his sister and they marry? Incest or other people existing... One is just disgusting and would create unchanging genes that would be bad for the future of that race (which is the only race in existence and the only set of genes) Other people...indict that Adam and Eve were not the first people on Earth. Either way you look at it...the bible fails.
So what do we learn from all of this?
That the bible is not something to be taken literally. My own interpretation of the bible is this...Fiction. One of the first fiction books created. I could definitely see myself writing crazy stories like these if I lived back then.. Anyhow, thanks for listening to my rant!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
A Little Late
Okay Guys! Heres one of my Avatar photos. Ill have to post more later because Joes mom took them and shes always gone nowadays... (I should have some good full body shots of my blueness, because believe me...I was all blue..)
Anyhow, so I ended up dressing up for Halloween, carving my pumpkin, going to a haunted house and eating a caramel apple (which was actually quite disgusting)! SO YAY FOR HALLOWEEN. I hear mention a couple of you still wanted to send in pictures of your pumpkins? Please do and Ill be sure to post them still. :D JON I NEED YOUR INFO <3 Email me ;) I gotta send you some stuff!
Bleh Im burning up here in hawaii its 81 degrees :( SO HOT and MUGGY BLEH...
Okay so hope you all dont mind, this is going to be a super random post about the exciting month of November, so be prepared....
November 22nd:
Black Friday!
and although this is not part of November I have to announce it along with all my other exciting releases!

Okay now that, that is over! I need your help... What are some Thanksgiving Traditions you or your family does? I need to make a new list of things to do for Thanksgiving, so please leave me some suggestions !
Anyhow, so I ended up dressing up for Halloween, carving my pumpkin, going to a haunted house and eating a caramel apple (which was actually quite disgusting)! SO YAY FOR HALLOWEEN. I hear mention a couple of you still wanted to send in pictures of your pumpkins? Please do and Ill be sure to post them still. :D JON I NEED YOUR INFO <3 Email me ;) I gotta send you some stuff!
Bleh Im burning up here in hawaii its 81 degrees :( SO HOT and MUGGY BLEH...
Okay so hope you all dont mind, this is going to be a super random post about the exciting month of November, so be prepared....
November 2nd:
The 13th Book in the Wheel of Time series! (Im in the midst of this series, but am very excited, there is only one more book to be released in the series)November 19th:
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1:
November 22nd:
My Chemical Romance Comes Out with Their Fourth CD! November 22nd!!! I cant wait for this C.D.....Like you have no idea...
November 25th:
November 26th:
and although this is not part of November I have to announce it along with all my other exciting releases!
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Its a day away from Halloween and unfortunately my pumpkin carving contest only got one response, but thats okay!!! THANKS JON FOR PARTICIPATING i <3 YOU LONG TIME!!
So heres Jons awesome pumpkins!!!
WHOO HOO!! Thanks Jon!!!! Your pumpkins look awesome and Im just assuming nobody else is turning in their pumpkin carvings so I will declare you winner of my contest!
SO I know Ive been missing for a couple weeks....Sorrry. I have a lot going on right now. With the beginning of the holidays at work (and crazy drama which I cant speak of yet because Im paranoid) but drama at work and lots of school work. Ive read 3 books in one week, yupp.
Anyhow, Im very excited for halloween. My costume is a little lame because I didnt want to spend 50 bucks on a costume and now Im thinking I just should have, since the stuff I bought probably collectively cost just as much. But I am going to be an Avatar :) Yupp. Pretty awesome. Although, I will be working all night so no trick or treating for me (although I really have never gone "officially" before anyways). Well Ill post a halloween post, but for now that is all!!!
Happy Halloween Folks.
So heres Jons awesome pumpkins!!!
WHOO HOO!! Thanks Jon!!!! Your pumpkins look awesome and Im just assuming nobody else is turning in their pumpkin carvings so I will declare you winner of my contest!
SO I know Ive been missing for a couple weeks....Sorrry. I have a lot going on right now. With the beginning of the holidays at work (and crazy drama which I cant speak of yet because Im paranoid) but drama at work and lots of school work. Ive read 3 books in one week, yupp.
Anyhow, Im very excited for halloween. My costume is a little lame because I didnt want to spend 50 bucks on a costume and now Im thinking I just should have, since the stuff I bought probably collectively cost just as much. But I am going to be an Avatar :) Yupp. Pretty awesome. Although, I will be working all night so no trick or treating for me (although I really have never gone "officially" before anyways). Well Ill post a halloween post, but for now that is all!!!
Happy Halloween Folks.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Books...Books...andd some more Books!!!
Newly Released:
Ape House
Sara Gruen is the author of Water for Elephants (which is sitting patiently on my shelf to be read). This book (Water for Elephants) is being made into a movie starring Robert Pattinson and Reese Witherspoon. This new book Ape House has become my next targeted book for reading. As you all know I am currently in an Anthropology course and this book is exactly what I need right now. I don't know all the details of Ape House, but to put lightly..there's lots of ape and human interaction. Has anyone ever seen videos of Koko?? I recently watched a whole documentary about Koko and since then have wished that I, myself could find an ape to communicate with. They fascinate me. Heres a good video of Koko talking with Penny, her trainer.
Currently Reading:
I'm not very far into this book. It was assigned by my English teacher who also happens to be the author of this book. -.- You can imagine what classes are like. Barclay's writing style is a bit too descriptive for my taste, it makes the book a bit boring. He also switches characters every other chapter, which I would discourage (unless you have 2 solid characters, not 5!) Right now the chapters switch between..oh...I think four or five different characters and stories. Its a little overkill and I find it funny actually, since on my short story I was told (by him) my own switch of POV was distracting. -.- Anyhowwww....the book is set in the Marshallese Islands. The Marshallese Islands have actually been a victim of the U.S. We have done countless atomic bombing tests in the ocean RIGHT next to those islands and even on some of them. This has introduced heavy radiation to these people and the worst part of it, is that this was intentionally done. We intentionally gave people radiation poisoning, just so we could study the effects. The have taken away a good amount of their islands and stuck 15,000 Marshallese people on one island that is only a mile wide and about two rock throws long. So in the historical sense, this book sounds like it might be interesting (and I hope to god that this book picks up!) but as of right now its slow moving....
Book Recommendations:
This is actually a book series. There are I believe 5 in all? Believe me these books are worth your time! These books have a lot of culture in them. You have four different races and culture of people living in one world. In this world the Angel race is seen as the peacekeepers. They are called upon if help is needed etc. They also keep the world in tact. Every year there is a mandatory singing festival held at the center of the world. Every race is required to be present and at this festival the Angels offer up their beautiful singing voices to the gods.
This book series is so unique. I read these books back to back and I have to say by the end of it I just wanted to live in this world. In fact, I still want to live in this world. So if you get a second, check out these books!!!!!
I read the series as following and I would suggest you do the same. The first book they tell you to read should really be the last (because personally the last book shattered my world)
I read as following:
Angel Seeker
Jovahs Angel
Alleluia Files
Its totally up to you of course. :) Happy Reading.
Ape House
Sara Gruen is the author of Water for Elephants (which is sitting patiently on my shelf to be read). This book (Water for Elephants) is being made into a movie starring Robert Pattinson and Reese Witherspoon. This new book Ape House has become my next targeted book for reading. As you all know I am currently in an Anthropology course and this book is exactly what I need right now. I don't know all the details of Ape House, but to put lightly..there's lots of ape and human interaction. Has anyone ever seen videos of Koko?? I recently watched a whole documentary about Koko and since then have wished that I, myself could find an ape to communicate with. They fascinate me. Heres a good video of Koko talking with Penny, her trainer.
Currently Reading:
I'm not very far into this book. It was assigned by my English teacher who also happens to be the author of this book. -.- You can imagine what classes are like. Barclay's writing style is a bit too descriptive for my taste, it makes the book a bit boring. He also switches characters every other chapter, which I would discourage (unless you have 2 solid characters, not 5!) Right now the chapters switch between..oh...I think four or five different characters and stories. Its a little overkill and I find it funny actually, since on my short story I was told (by him) my own switch of POV was distracting. -.- Anyhowwww....the book is set in the Marshallese Islands. The Marshallese Islands have actually been a victim of the U.S. We have done countless atomic bombing tests in the ocean RIGHT next to those islands and even on some of them. This has introduced heavy radiation to these people and the worst part of it, is that this was intentionally done. We intentionally gave people radiation poisoning, just so we could study the effects. The have taken away a good amount of their islands and stuck 15,000 Marshallese people on one island that is only a mile wide and about two rock throws long. So in the historical sense, this book sounds like it might be interesting (and I hope to god that this book picks up!) but as of right now its slow moving....
Book Recommendations:
This is actually a book series. There are I believe 5 in all? Believe me these books are worth your time! These books have a lot of culture in them. You have four different races and culture of people living in one world. In this world the Angel race is seen as the peacekeepers. They are called upon if help is needed etc. They also keep the world in tact. Every year there is a mandatory singing festival held at the center of the world. Every race is required to be present and at this festival the Angels offer up their beautiful singing voices to the gods.
This book series is so unique. I read these books back to back and I have to say by the end of it I just wanted to live in this world. In fact, I still want to live in this world. So if you get a second, check out these books!!!!!
I read the series as following and I would suggest you do the same. The first book they tell you to read should really be the last (because personally the last book shattered my world)
I read as following:
Angel Seeker
Jovahs Angel
Alleluia Files
Its totally up to you of course. :) Happy Reading.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
My First Pumpkin
I was at the store just picking up some necessities: cheese sticks, diet pepsi, cake and chips. :) when BAM huge pumpkins on the floor in front of me. I almost literally jumped up and down when I saw them just hanging out under the fridges in Safeway. I was so excited, because I had just been thinking to myself a few minutes ago (as I was fondling the miniature pumpkins) where I was going to buy my big pumpkin for my pumpkin carving. I was thinking that I am such a bad procrastinator that if I have to go very far to get a big one, I may not actually do it :( BUT NEVER FEAR, I BOUGHT MY PUMPKIN AND CARVED IT TOO!
So enjoy, I didn't take any pictures of myself with it yet, because I looked pretty gnarly tonight.
Just finishing cleaning out the insides!
Done cleaning, time to start drawing my design!!
Cant see it super well, but there is an outline of dots on there.
Half way done carving!!
Done carving!!!!
I was at the store just picking up some necessities: cheese sticks, diet pepsi, cake and chips. :) when BAM huge pumpkins on the floor in front of me. I almost literally jumped up and down when I saw them just hanging out under the fridges in Safeway. I was so excited, because I had just been thinking to myself a few minutes ago (as I was fondling the miniature pumpkins) where I was going to buy my big pumpkin for my pumpkin carving. I was thinking that I am such a bad procrastinator that if I have to go very far to get a big one, I may not actually do it :( BUT NEVER FEAR, I BOUGHT MY PUMPKIN AND CARVED IT TOO!
So enjoy, I didn't take any pictures of myself with it yet, because I looked pretty gnarly tonight.
Just finishing cleaning out the insides!
Done cleaning, time to start drawing my design!!
Cant see it super well, but there is an outline of dots on there.
Half way done carving!!
Done carving!!!!
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