Friday, January 15, 2010

Coming Clean...

So I have never been a huge fan of youtube, I mostly go on there for music; however, the other day I stumbled upon a girl who vlogs (video blogging ) and she is really entertaining. I don't know why, anyhow, I'm basically stalking her (because that's not creepy at all). And she just won 100,000 dollars for I think, but don't quote me on this, vlogging.  WTF? Why cant I win 100,000 dollars? :(  Normally, I wouldn't be jealous, actually I totally would be, but its even more not fair because this girl is already a model.. so she spends most of her time in other countries anyways.  Now if I don't know about you, but if I had 100,000 dollars, I would pick a couple places and visit like a.s.a.p. I would be a travel whore if I could be. But I don't have 100,000 dollars so ill stick to sitting on my little rock in the middle of the ocean.  BLah, moving on.

I had some weird dreams last night, but I always have weird dreams.  I think I shall start posting them every day... they are sometime quite long so ill just try to get to the gist. 

Dream #1.
 My boyfriends mothers ex-husband (confusing enough for you yet?)  murdered some random guy with two other ladies.  They like kidnapped this guy and killed him. Well my family found out about it and was like HOLD UP, your going to jail. So the whole dream was like about putting those 3 in jail, but it was a really long dream and really creepy. At one point in my dream it was like pitch black outside and I kept trying to lock the front door (because I felt like something was trying to get in, but i have no idea what it was) and the handle fell off... and I couldn't lock the door.  Weird.

Dream #2.
My old best friend and I went to Russia.... and she was going to live there for 9 years for some job she had. So I was just visiting for a couple months..well like a day into the trip i find out shes cheating on her boyfriend back home with some guy online 0.o So I call her out on it and she ends up ditching me and going back home and leaves me in Russia (because she stole my ticket home.) So I rent some hotel room out for like 24 bucks, because apparently in my dreams Russia is extremely cheap, and call my mom and make her buy me a ticket home.  Unfortunately, I had to leave Russia before I even got to really see it. :( sad.
It was weird and much longer....

I was playing electric guitar with My Chemical Romance.  They had some small gig and the electric guitar person in the band (I don't know names...sorry) couldn't make it, so um I filled in... even though I have no idea how to play electric guitar.  Really weird stuff happened there, but it would sound really weird and I have no time since I am now going to be late for class. :P


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