Ive done good. Ive read 2 books recently, the third Harry Potter and the book Shiver. Of course...these were completely out of order and I SHOULD have been finishing off World Without End which I started awhile ago. I cant help it though, im just stuck in this fantasy world, all I want is dragons, werewolves and wizards who can fly on brooms.
Ive been writing 10 pages a day on and off and Im really excited about how far Ive gotten. Im about half way done with this novel. MY first complete novel. Ugh what a relief it will be to just be done with the whole idea. Ive been trying to accomplish this for 10 years now? I started when I was 9....Obviously, not on the same book, but I started attempting to write my first novel at nine - which I regret throwing away when I was about 12 and angsty. What Id give to go back and read what I wrote. Thats the best right? When you pick up your old notebooks filled with pages upon pages of writing that you don't even remember. You start reading your own work and suddenly your drawn in by these words you didn't even think you knew. I get giddy, I always think,... I wrote this? Really? Of course in the middle of a project thats not how your writing looks to you. It looks young and thin, and you are constantly adding words and description. You go back to edit and end up throwing away pages of words because it just doesn't feel good enough. Thats how I get anyways. I have to admit I am extremely nervous for those editing stages, I have a feeling the first two chapters will take about a year until I feel satisfied.
Do you ever have those days...where you look at something and you feel like you could write five paragraphs about it?
Whenever Id be driving to school there was just this one tree that sparked something in me and Id start writing out descriptions in my head of every little leaf, tree, shrub or cloud I saw. This happens often to me...someone I work with makes a face or a gesture and I immediately collect it into my bank of memories to pull out when I describe that action in a story.
The seductive words of novels pull me in and when I'm there I feel complete - I feel happy, like I belong. I just cant stay away....I need words and they need me.
As soon as I actually get something written I promise we'll become Internet pen pals and we'll exchange our writings and we'll be Literati and it'll be fantastic.
ReplyDeleteI'm actually working on a short story right now, so hopefully we'll be pen pals sooner than later!