Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Blogging is a lot like religion.
You blog when thinks are in the shits... you blog when life is suddenly fabulous, but when it comes to blogging about the everyday mundane you somehow fall off the wagon.  At least that's what happened to me.
 Of course you start blogging about the mundane in the beginning, but like praying you never get an answer, so then you start asking yourself what the point of it all was again...

Anyhow, luckily things are bit in the shits, which means the perfect weather for blogging, aye?  

Its been awhile, I apologize for my absence and for not keeping up to date with everybody's blogs! I really am sorry and hopefully I will get better at this.  
But lets not concentrate on what a terrible person I have been okay ?

News #1.  I have officially decided to double-major!!! After a year of thinking and brainstorming I can confidently say I will be majoring in English and Computer Science.  However, I cannot confidently say where I will be attending college......which brings me to >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
News#2.   Joes mom is losing her job, as a result...we may have to move.... and by move I mean probably states. Luckily, I have a full time job and can support myself so Im not toooooo worried, however, there are some ligistical things this situation brings up for me that has started to get me a bit stressed that...........
News#3. I have a face twitch that wont go away, if its still there tomorrow it will be the third consecutive day (everyone is telling me this can easily be caused by stress or lack of sleep) 
News#4. Back to college though...I already applied to a University for the spring and now that I have no idea what is going to happen I am a bit nervous.  My dream has always been to leave Hawaii ASAP and go to a real University on the mainland.  This whole situation can work out in about 3 different ways as I see it...1. we stay here, but probably move to a small apartment.  2. We move to a different state, I (hopefully) can transfer to a new store and keep my job, and I get into a University I have always dreamed of going to.  3. They pick a state I hate or  I cant transfer credits to a college or I cant transfer stores and I have no job....who knows what will happen.
News#5.  I have suddenly become obsessed with my weight and cant stop worrying about it all.  My goal is to become really really skinny again, but getting there is quite hard with 5 classes, 40+hrs a week at a job, a book list, a novel I am writing and a boyfriend. Im determined though and I KNOW it will happen, but right now Im just in this phase of being so ashamed of what i am now.... its a terrible thing and I wish this feeling on no one.

Thats enough bitching for one I will leave you with my new obsession....CHINCHILLAS!

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