Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Global Suicide

Never touch a piece of Big Red gum and then itch your eye. Just trust me.

Dear Mankind, 
          By now I am sure you have heard of a little thing called Global Warming. I prefer to call this Global Suicide.  As you know us humans are the main reason this catastrophe is even happening.  We are too selfish to think that this world has any other reason than to be our slave. As a result we have caused (through air pollution) probably the worst scenario ever imagined.  Ice is melting- sea levels rising, increase carbon dioxide- increase temperatures- plant  annihilation..where do you think this chain of events leads to.. 
So...mankind, what will it take for you to realize that you are killing our Earth and everything on it(insert question mark here, because keyboard is broken) My guess....humans will continue polluting our atmosphere and within the next 100 years our Earth will continue to decline faster and faster. And by the time people actually start realizing that Global Warming (Global Suicide) is happening, it will be too late.  In conclusion: 
Take action bitches, lets start a revolution before its too late. (Unless of course your totally fine with your kids living through one of the most horrific events in history....)




  1. Llama concur. Stupid as hole human polluters creating bleak future for environmentally friendly llama. Will strive for awareness-making on own blog, but expecting soon to live in post-apocalyptic wasteland.
