Sunday, March 28, 2010

Burnt Foot

Today was a good day. (Aside from the pouring 200 degree water on my foot and all...ya lets just say I screamed a lot and threw my shoe off like it was the devil)

Anyhow, but besides all that drama! I got up at 10am this morning (on my own, no alarm clock needed) and I got on the computer and thought about procrastinating...but I didnt! I got up, put on my running clothes...laid on the bed thinking about how I dont HAVE to go....and then finally got up and went running.
The whole time I run this is my thought process:

*im almost there, im almost there, I want to be really skinny, Im almost there, remember that fat your burning, a few more steps, to the end of the street, remember the fat!*

Yupp, but hey, at the end of the day I ran the whole loop without stopping. Thats pretty good for only a weeks worth of running.
So that of course was an awesome was to start my day and make me feel great (makes you wonder why its so hard to go do it then right?)
Then I came home and just fooled around on the intranet (my fancy word for Internet, dont hate.)
 Went to work where I burned my already sore foot (ya weird I woke up feeling like my foot has been stepped on by a 500 pound sumo wrestler) BUT (heres the good part) I got to see Jamie Lee Curtis.....Who?
Her! lol Remember her now? Yupp, the chick in Freaky Friday with Lindsey Lohan (now the fact that this is the only movie I can remember her from is pretty sad, but hey im 19! ) She came into my store today and my co-worker who helped her was freaking out! It was so cute..when she left she said *Peace and Love Ladies*
I thought the picture was quite appropriate.

Anyhow, then Joe came down and had lunch with me which I thought was really sweet. So even though work is totally stressing me out and I feel like crying, I had a good day. Im not looking at the bad! (Even though I closed *got home at 10pm* and now have to go back for 6am...) Im keeping my chin up!!!!!



  1. I love Jamie Lee Curtis!!!! She's been in the original Halloween movies and well as well as a bunch of other 70's and 80's horror movies. I'm jealous!
    Sorry about your foot dude :( Hopefully it doesn't hurt anymore!

  2. JAMIE LEE CURTIS!! AHH! She wrote a little kids book that I made my mom read to me all the time, Tell me again about the night I was born. Super cute!
    Hope your foot gets better =/

  3. poor you and your poor foot :( burns are about the horriblest. thing. ever.

    by the way your running thought proceses sound eerily familiar :)
