Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Its once again 3am. I hardly slept last night, I got maybe an hour of sleep.  But for some reason I dont feel tired... I have to go work..

I talked things through with Joe.  Basically, I need to find a way to occupy my time.  Hes in this rut and I have to just leave him be.  Its really hard..yesterday was the worst. A whole day off and I wanted to just melt away the whole day. I read a lot and now Im almost done with Eat Pray Love. Ill probably finish it off today (that is unless Im really good and actually start on my homework)
Im not sure yet how I will keep myself 100% occupied.  

I think Im going to learn meditation. 
I tried yesterday and it felt like for a few seconds I actually did melt away; it was nice.

The obvious answer to all of this is to write the rest of my novel.  And im working on it, but its really hard for me sometimes. Its just so in my head that sometimes I forget I even need to write it all down.

But ill try. Thats really what my main goal should be...

Hopefully, Ill go running again today. My body ached like crazy yesterday, but thats a good sign. :)

Ta ta for now.


  1. I've always wanted to learn meditation, I think it would be a valuable skill to know. Good luck with it!

  2. We will meditate and work out together (in spirit). Up for it? =]

  3. i say definetly go for that run...even when i'm feeling totaly lousy if i get out and go for a run, even if it's ridiculously short, i ALWAYS feel better afterwards!!! keep smiling :)
