I always thought the whole *I suddenly have followers* was all BS, but now I am a believer. I went from 2 followers to 14 followers :) Hehe, thanks guys!
I hope I dont disappoint.
I was not late this morning to work (amazing) I left the house at 4:05am, so I thought for sure I would be late. I have to park outside of my house, we live in this gated community and I don't have a parking spot. :( So at 4am I walk out to my car oh just like 5 billion miles away. Its dark and the wind violently tears at the leaves above..I have to admit to you right now I'm a total wimp. All I kept thinking about was that girl who got stolen while she was running! That 17year old...that's so sad. But I thought about it and she was running...here I am walking..stumbling actually, I'm sure I'm not in as good as shape as that girl could I really out run a pursuer? What if they just snuck up on me, jumped from the bushes with a knife at my throat? Yes, these are things I contemplate as I walk to my car..My car is now in sight and I start thinking, Should I run? I could just book it to my car....but wouldn't that be funny? A neighbor is just walking past their window and they see some girl running, randomly, from absolutely nothing. It isn't logical to be so scared.
Obviously, all went well and I am safe! :) Imagine that. Anyhow, so I was asked to read *The One Minute Manager* and I did, well I haven't completely finished it yet, but I have already been trying to apply some of these er lessons.? So I made a little chart at work and put everyone's names on it and every week we will have a like employee of the week ordeal. I wrapped a little box today in hot pink and lime green wrapping paper; the election box. Everyone picks a candidate and the person with the most votes at the end of the week winssssss *drum roll* uh a bag of candy. Cheesy, dumb, lame, but I'm not rich so don't mock! I just want people to feel appreciated again for working hard, nobody recognizes anyone anymore, such a shame!
Which leads me into the rest of my amazing, fantastic, fun filled day. ( I like adjectives.)
I was late to class today. Bummer. And I forgot to grab the study guide for the test on Tuesday *mental note to print out the study guide* *2nd mental note of no ink in printer...*
After my first class I went to the mall to buy some candy (yes, for my cheesy prizes) and goody bags. I grabbed some grub, which I told myself not to get. Panda Express, one of the many reasons I have gained my freshman 5 and I need to stop before it turns into a full fledged 15.
I contemplated skipping my American Lit class again, but then realized that would be 3 classes in a row I would have missed and decided to just suck it up. The drive is long, but oh well. Of course, I had just sat there the whole class as my teacher asked us questions about the characters in *The Death of a Salesman* I only watched the first half of the video so I didn't know what the outcome was. Now I don't even need to read it (but you know I will, because I love reading anyways) the teacher just started blurting out things like *Because Willy ends up committing suicide...* and I wanted to shout *HE DID?* I just nodded pretending like I had done my homework. My group kept looking at me for the answers, since normally I'm a great student and have my own strong opinions on the literature we are assigned to read. I can usually find the hidden meanings etc...but today I just kept looking down at my shoes, that by the way look good but hurt my feet like a bitch. So that was basically my day and then I just ended it off by eating way too many pizza rolls and watching Gilmore Girls for the 50 millionth time. god I love that show.
If I could zap myself into any show or movie...oh It would so be Gilmore Girls, don't you just wish life was actually like that? mmm, okay enough with the novel, Im off to bed!
I secretly wish my life was like 90210, except I'd be that real down to earth surfer chick who has tons of guy friends and is treated like a guy, because that's basically how I am.
ReplyDeleteA little bit depressing when you have a really hot guy friend who you like and treats you like another guy.
Oh wait. My life is so 90210!