Friday, April 16, 2010


Oh boy.

Todays the day Im supposed to go looking for my car, but Im a nervous wreck.  Im not sure if Ill have enough guts to go down there by myself and start asking a bunch of questions etc.

Centipedes have taken over my home.... we killed 3 of them last night....Im like scared to put my feet down.

I registered for classes the other day! And I have good news.. I will be transferring to a university after this next semester of community college. I cant wait! I will finally get to take more interesting and challenging courses.
Fall semester Ill be taking... Geography(and a lab), Math (to refresh my memory, because I haven't done it in 4 years), English, and Anthropology.  All those classes in one day too! So ill have like 3 days off of school it will be a nice change from my commute 5 days a week.

Ugh I just took a little break and went on facebook to check something... I think im going to delete that thing. All I do is feel hatred toward my own family because they are posting these terrible comments and pictures that are so close minded... ugh I cant take people..


  1. Don't delete your Facebook, just either block them from showing up in your Newsfeed or remove them as friends! Facebook is too much of a convenience to remove. :) Good luck finding a car!

  2. Congrats on your soon transfer! And go get your car! You can do it girl.
    I agree with Kate. Don't delete your Facebook. It's so much simpler to hide them from your feed.

  3. Congrats on the transfer!!! Although I don't envy your class list! I'm dodging math classes for as long as I can :p
