Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Is there good karma?

My co-worker and I had a discussion about this the other day at work.  The original meaning of karma was like things that weighed down your soul and made you repeat the cycle of reincarnation. (such as not fulfilling your class duties etc.) However, the more modern definition of karma is more of what you put out comes back around to you. Right? So if you do bad things and something bad happens your like..oh Karma. But what if you've been doing really well and things have been shit, but finally something amazing happens. Wouldn't that be an, oh Karma situation too?
I believe it.

Yesterday was the worst day. It ended with my huddled in my shower crying my brains out as water showered down on my helpless body.

Everything was planned. My mom would come with me to co-sign the loan and then Id have the check, run over to the guy who im buying the car from and bam..problem solved.
Turns out its not that easy. Even though I already filled out most of the loan information I got double-whamm-ied yesterday at the bank when the lady told me I needed proof of insurance. This wouldn't be so bad except, I'm insured under my parents right now, but once I get this car I was going to set up my own insurance. Apparently, i have to set up my new plan right now, before I can get any of the money. So now Im stuck, as far as I know you cant get insurance without the car? But I have no promise that this car is mine...what if it gets sold before I get the loan finished? You see my dilemma? The holder of the car wont wait for me because he and his family are trying desperately to move to back to the mainland ASAP. So..if someone comes with cash before I do, Im fucked.  SO. My parents said (or my mom did yesterday as I left the bank crying) that they already have a loan and she could write a check for the car and then I could buy the car from her. (This would solve everything)
SO she calls my dad....and he doesnt get back to us until 10 at night. Ive been waiting all day for his response. He says no. I dont know why...and Im talking with him on the phone and he is telling me everything I already know and making it sound like its so easy, *YOU NEED INSURANCE BEFORE YOU CAN GET THE
LOAN.* ... *Yes, I know dad, but I cant get insurance until I have the car? But what if someone buys the car and Ive set up insurance?* This continues until finally I just kind of snap *ILL JUST DO IT MYSELF NEVERMIND.*
But really, I am.  Yeah, so their co-signing a loan. But whos making the payments? Ya, I am. Co-signing doesn't mean anything if you have a responsible daughter who is making more money than one of their own parents.. So I gave up. But only for that 30 minutes in the shower.

Im calling Insurance companies today (Geico gave me the best quote) Hopefully we can set it up and I can get this done if not today, tomorrow.  But the Karma event that sealed my deal was my bank account number. Ive been anxiously awaiting my tax return.. and I got it this morning, only it was double the amount I had thought it would be.  Im not sure if its a mistake and hopefully its not....but I dont even know who to call about it? Luckily, no matter what at least half of that is mine for sure. So now I feel a bit better.

I even officially finished my research paper today and feel good about turning it in. 
So heres to my day off, spent calling insurance companies, running to malls and writing papers.

1 comment:

  1. That sounds like one crazy mess. That's really fortunate about your tax return though, hopefully you get to keep all of it!
    I also hope that you get to enjoy at least a part of your day off. You deserve it.
