Saturday, October 2, 2010

Pumpkin Carving Contest

So pass the word along!  I have no idea how many people will ACTUALLY carve pumpkins, but I'm really hoping for a couple.  

I decided today that I want to make this years holiday season very festive for myself. I was originally going to just jump right into Christmas (yes, I admit I might have played a couple Christmas songs today) but Jons blog totally inspired me to start with the first and most festive of the holidays, Halloween.
My first Halloween goal is to carve a pumpkin!  
Believe it or not I have never actually taken part in this festivity before. :( Sad, I know. 
So follow along on my holiday journey this year! Ill be posting of a to-do list ,in my side bar ,to take part in for each holiday. (And dont worry Ill post pictures of my journey as well! )

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