Friday, October 1, 2010

Fiction Friday

Hot Off The Press:

Fall of Giants
Ken Follett's Pillars of the Earth and World Without End are modern classics. Follett returns with Fall of Giants, the first in a new trilogy that will follow five families through the major events of the twentieth century. Fall of Giants takes place around World War I, but also touches on the Russian Revolution, coal mining and women's suffrage. 

My Take:
This book is definitely going on my book list! I loved Pillars of the Earth and World Without End, so if you haven't read those yet you must go read them right now! I will do a highlight on those books soon, I'm sure. 
(warning: This book only got 2 stars on Amazon so far... yikes!)

Book of the Week:

The Hunger GamesOkay, so not exactly ONE book of the week, but since the series is complete Im going to go ahead and hit all three at once.

Lets start by saying this series was riveting! These books are page turners and I was finished with each in a day, which is the downside (the size of these books is on the smaller side).  Nevertheless, the storyline is solid.  This series is about a girl who is placed in a futuristic setting where the government controls everything (there is a lot more to it than that, go read the book!) and one of the events they do in the new world is send a bunch of teenage kids into an arena to kill each other.  I'm not going to say anything more then that, you have to go read these books ASAP, if you haven't already.

Currently Reading:

Im almost done with Unwind, it’s an easy read, definitely.  The storyline is interesting, but Its definitely doesn’t make it on my favorite book list.  This story, like Hunger Games, is also set in the future (I believe this is even a series) and in this future, abortion has been made illegal.  However, instead of abortion you can *unwind* your children at the ages of 13-18.  Unwinding means basically kill your children.  The parents, unhappy with their child for some reason can choose to sign their child over between these ages and have them unwound.  That’s the set up of the story, quite interesting.  I’m not sure if it’s the writing style or just the way Shusterman words things, I’m just not as excited about this story as I was with The Hunger Games. 

Okay well that’s what I think! Now let me know what you think.
Two Questions of the Day:
*Have you read any of these books mentioned and what do you think about them*
*Do you think you'll end up reading any of these books(if you haven’t already) *


  1. Everyone keeps raving about the Hunger Games. I really want to read that. Maybe I'll get around to it by Christmas when it comes as a present...or when I get my butt over to the library haha.

  2. I'm with Lexa, I've heard nothing but gushing reviews for The Hunger Games, so I'd like to read them if I can get my hands on a copy and I have the time to site down and enjoy it. I've also heard of Pillars of the Earth, because they adapted it into a miniseries which I think may still be going. I'm not sure, but I think it's gotten some critical acclaim!
    Great entry, Gypsy!
