Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Cycle of Life

Where do I begin?

Today was a very odd day.  I woke up at 4am exhausted, praying to all the living things in my house that I would be able to stay awake during my shift.  (Which I did with a nice pick me up of caffeine).

I see people everyday at work. I deal with a TON of people.  Everyone has their own personalities, but unfortunately all I see from these people is a cold detached side of themselves.  I deal with the part of the person who is stressed, rushing, pissed, angry, biased, name it..and I tend to just write people off the same way Im sure I get written off. I ignore them. I ignore the REAL them.  This is my big epiphany today....these customers interest me. I am a people watcher. I would make a wonderful stalker (not in a harmful way, I just like observing people). I like to think about what might make somebody want that job, or talk that way, or think that way...I like to observe the inner workings of people. 
It started with one of my regular customers...I simply asked what job he had. I see him everyday and I wasnt sure what else to say to keep my conversations *Fresh and interesting*.  So I asked him what he did...and he told me he was an English teacher. So then we started talking about books and writing and my own novel etc. And I saw this side of him I had never seen.  This has started to happen more and more recently. I find out this really rude, crude customer is from Israel.  So he talks to me about Israel and opens up completely about how Americans are selfish pigs who take their country for granted, he described the terrible things that would happen to someone who was accused of being Jewish in Israel. It dawned on me...and I actually started to cry when this guy left.  I felt so terrible for making this big assumptions about this man. I just wrote him off as a complete asshole and now hearing about his life makes me realize why he would be like that.  I could tell you a million more stories just like that, but Ill leave it like this.... I am starting to appreciate these people for them and opening my heart to their stories and the things I am learning are phenomenal.

I came home from a long day of work, wanting to take a good long nap, but time escaped me and I had to get ready to attend my uncles mothers funeral.  She passed away a week ago and to be honest, Im not sure it hit me that she was dead until today.  I cried.  I wasn't sure if I would.  I do love her, but my love wasn't as intense as those who had known her for a bigger chunk of her life (versus my minimal 4? 5? years?).  
The thing that really pissed me off though...was my ex-boyfriend.  This guy is unbelievable. He fricken came to this woman's funeral (whom he didnt even know) and Im pretty sure it was just to see me...why else would he come?  I added him of facebook recently as a gesture of peace (its been 3 years since we broke up) and he has left millons of comments on my facebook now (even though he has a girlfriend!)....gawd. He just doesnt get it!

After the funeral I had to rush home because Joes, moms birthday party was scheduled for tonight.  SO  I rushed to the store bought ice cream (which we didnt use) and then rushed home....longggg night.  We*ve been painting marine debris and making art out of it. Ill put up pictures. :) Im making the Cheshire cat!

Anyhow. I am totally exhausted! I have papers to write, books to read, tests to study for...but for right now I have a bed that is calling my name!


  1. It's amazing how on a regular basis we only see a few sides of people. If we were all more understanding and open there would be less problems in the world based on assumptions. I'm happy that you're figuring this out now! It's one of those things that you're better off learning now rather than later.

  2. it's crazy how people judge on first impressions. i'm guilty of it too, it's so hard not to do it sometimes, but i'm trying to do it less and less because i know that the image people project is often nowhere near to their real self and the real self is what i want to know! so i have to give them a chance before i make an opinion!
    good on you for listening to those people...sometimes that's all people need when they're stressed, just someone to listen to them!
    eeek sorry that was a bit of an essay;-)
