Thursday, April 1, 2010


Thats Wall-E my first car which is now gone! Thanks Google Earth for this picture. :)

Unfortunately, my car was un-salvageable. The engine was completely shot! Anyhow, Im looking at the positive and the positives are all looking good!  1. I can finally get a car with speakers that work again (I blew my speakers out in Wall-E) 2. I can get a car that people wont yell at me for...(true story I had a guy once yell out his window that my car was ugly etc and made fun of me...on the freeway, yes. < during traffic > and then had an old guy gest about me getting a paint job...)
3. I can (hopefully) get a jeep or suv-ish vehicle, because thats what i really like....

SEE! Good stuff.

Well I have more bad news I still unsure of how I should feel about all of this , but my uncles mother is about to pass away, they gave her a week or two left to live.  Ive only known her for the past 2 or 3? years, but she has been sick ever since coming here to Hawaii and although shes a lovely lady you can just see how worn out she is by everything. So in a way shell be in a happier place. But its really weird...I feel sad, but not to where I want to cry lots? (then again shes still alive so ...) but then I feel really bad because MY grandma is close to her and my aunt and uncle sooooooo, ya.  Im supposed to go over to their house this Sunday to have dinner with them and say *goodbye* to grandma.  Im actually scheduled to work during that dinner, but im going to try and switch shifts so I can go, but is it just me or is that not going to be the most awkward dinner ever.  *Okay everybody eat, now say goodbye to grandma and wish her well in her afterlife.* Shes not dead yet!!!! Idk.

Anyhow......not much more to say.... school tomorrow.


1 comment:

  1. The dinner sounds like it might be akward, but then again, you'll be thankful later for having had a chance to say goodbye to her and enjoy some time together. And maybe it will help her feel more at peace and able to pass over to the other side. Good luck on the car search! =]
