Saturday, April 10, 2010

When Life Gives You Lemons...

I just woke up.

ALthough, this is my day off, I feel like I have so much to get done. 

1. Get out of my pajamas and get ready
2. Stop at moms house and fill out my FAFSA forms
3. Stop at bank and straighten everything out (which could take hours)
4. Go buy Tiffany a birthday card, gift card and something to eat for her party
5. Go to Tiffany*s birthday party this afternoon in like 3 hours....

The car search needs to end! I am so sick of this already.  Hopefully, next weekend I will have my car.  By then I will have co-signed my loan and chosen my car. WHEW!

Believe it or not I have been writing, a lot.  Well a lot in the sense that every second I get minutes of free time. The only problem with this is, im terrible and writing AND reading. I need to start splitting the time, but I feel like if im in the mood to write I just should, because I really really want to complete something!

Alright well, I was going to say something more entry like, but Im still tired and dreading my day of social activities.. :(

Got to go get ready...


  1. Aw girl, I hope you find your car soon! And I hope you have some fun at the party! You deserve it. Congrats on writing. Hopefully we get to see it!

    You have an award waiting for you :>

  3. You have another from me as well! Lucky you!
