Saturday, March 20, 2010

Book Nerd

Hello World.

Today is a good day!
I have officially paid off my computer. :) Suck that Best Buy!

I am also happy to report that I wrote 4 pages yesterday (in logic class might I add).
Contrary to what you are thinking (that writing during one of my classes is not a good idea) I would like ease your worried mind by letting you know it is a FANTASTIC idea and I wish I had thought of it earlier!
Logic is so boring and a huge waste of my time, the material is 1+1=1 (except in symbol format so more like.... p + p =p... useful right?) Anyhow, so now I will not be wasting time in class at all. Its perfect.

I am also excited because today is Saturday and although I have to work in a couple hours, it is my last day of work for the next 2 days! I get 2 FULL days off!!!!! I will do absolutely nothing. (well thats a lie im sure lots of Gilmore Girls, reading, and writing will happen)

Yes, in case I haven't already mentioned it, I basically only watch Gilmore Girls. I own all 7 seasons and I have watched them all say more than 5 times each season. Dont ask me how I watch them over and over and over without getting bored...I'm not entirely sure myself. All I know is there is always some new reference/joke in there I seem to get and thats entertaining enough for me.

I just started reading Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert (when I say JUST I mean like 5 minutes ago)
I am determined to start my reading again and hardcore, because a good writer is one who reads and one who reads ALL genres..

So...I'm asking YOU for book recommendations! Then depending on how many I get, Ill put the book choices up in my poll and that will determine what book I read next.

When I finish each book Ill give my two cents.. :) Sound good? Good. Honestly, I dont care how it sounds to you, because I am excited about it and thats all that matters. <3
So start recommending books!!!
P.S. I finally added a new page to my blog! :D The Book Nook. 

 Current Book:

Progress:  Just Started!


  1. Hmmmm I'd have to recommend A Great and Terrible Beauty by Libba Bray (and the following two if you love it enough) and Demian by Herman Hesse, simply because I feel like those two books changed my life and they should change someone else's too!
    Have fun on your days off!

  2. I actually started reading that book and liked it a lot but it was a library rental and I had to give it back :( lol Now i have reason to go finish it off!! thanks!
